Nicholas Sakalauskas 7 hrs So what is the coronavirus and what is the fear all about? I'm going to put together a very simplified explanation of what's going on that is universally understandable to people , no complicated medical terms just a very simple explanation. So what are coronaviruses and why do we see the word all over the place especially in reference to Lysol labels? What kills it? before we start I would just like to say that a lot of the resistance is saying that the media is overhyping this, let me know if the media has ever explaind this to you in such simplified detail. Coronaviruses are a specific type of virus that has a spherical shape, can hold a very large genetic code, and is protected by a layer of protein spikes. one of the issues with the protein spikes , is a very similar issue to human papillomavirus. for anybody who doesn't know what HPV is, it is responsible for a significant amount of cancers like cervical cancer. the reason your body cannot identify an HPV infection is because the capsid proteins of that virus are so similar to the proteins your body naturally uses. It's the same problem here these viruses are literally protected by a spiky shell that keeps the center spear of the virus away from your cells so that the membrane of your cells cannot really detect its presence. As far as your body knows , this is just protein making its way around. Once the virus binds to a cell (Ace 2) it injects its RNA into the cell by action of mimicking a sugar, so your cell believes that it's getting sugar and it welcomes this information into the cell and before you know it , that cells DNA is now reprogrammed ,not to produce more healthy cells , but to produce more viruses. This process continues inside of your body for some time, in fact your body doesn't recognize this virus the entire time it is performing its infection. After about two weeks of this (longer if you were healthy) the virus has replaced a significant amount of the cells to the point where it's not just one cell or a tissue that it's infected but the entire organ. It does it in the heart, the brain, the intestines, and the lungs. For starters. It also has a significant impact on your bone marrow. Once the body has received enough cellular damage, it begins not to recognize the virus , but the "load " that is simply caused by that viral infection. The body recognizes that it is dying due to a virus and this triggers an immune response. In order for the body to do this your lymph system has to essentially dump its white blood cells into your bloodstream. It has to lower the blood pressure, Your blood is pressurized much like the force that a water balloon exerts when full (liquid cannot be compressed) what happens is your body suddenly drops in blood pressure and you become overwhelmed by white blood cells that start going ballistic trying to figure out what this viral infection is and trying to identify it and separate it from the normal functions of the body. What I'm describing is basically the "cytokine storm" In which you see people dropping on the street. This is caused by the onset of the autoimmune response. however once your body gets to that point you have already received the damage from the virus. That is why symptoms show up so suddenly and become so serious so quickly. You can gain immunity to these viruses, however a problem with AIDS is that a certain person might not have just one type of that virus in their system , certain communities might have multiple different mutations of the virus, gainig immunity to one does not necessarily translate to universal immunity for the others. Clearly you've heard about the mutations so what does this mean. After the virus infects somebody else you can get it again. But there's a little more detail to that then has been released. Your lungs are such a perfect environment for these viruses that they perform their function without much mutation . The mutation really stems from the virus getting into the lower parts of the body and is transferred when people practice poor hygiene. people coughing on each other will just transfer a similar version of the virus. The mutations only show up when somebody doesn't wash their hands after going to the bathroom touches something and someone else touches that same thing and then touches their face or eyes specifically. This is where the mutations keep coming from, Currently there is five different versions of this virus that have been documented in the United States, however there may be more because in the short time that who spent in China they identified 40 different mutations. each one of these mutations poses a risk because again you are not immune to the other 39 mutations of you get one. The lack of acquired immunity to mutation, is majorly the largest cause of concern. This means that even if you are recovered, you can catch it again. secondary infections often lead to fatal heart attacks because again the first time around you received a significant amount of damage, so the second time around you are less likely to do well. and this is where things start to get very interesting and this is where a lot of the fear comes from, The 97% survivability or whatever it is, likely applies specifically to the primary infection. It has been documented for sometime, the hazard of the secondary infection, and the higher death rate that comes with it. However there hasn't really been any numbers released on that. The largest concern here is not the virus spreading and infecting everybody. This is the least of our worries. The problem is being that there's probably 40 other versions of it , even if everybody in this country caught it they could catch it again, We know that one in five people requires medical attention, even if they get put on the recovered statistic that means that they are now more susceptible to a secondary infection. Literally that number could just be used to describe susceptibility to the secondary infection. If the virus isn't contained, not just in America but the whole world, it could just keep spreading as we're seeing again and again this is known as waves. During the Spanish flu the problem wasn't the primary infection it was the secondary wave. with that wave came a mutation that caused some of the most vile symptoms that have ever been documented in medical history. This virus is not the flu virus, it does not have seasonal transmission like the flu, it has year-round transmission. if we basically didn't do anything on Earth to stop it we could see likely up to 40 waves of infection possibly more. 40 waves , not 2, 40 . now when you start thinking that far down the line of what's going on now and realize that we really don't have much of this contained it becomes worrying how much waves we might actually get. This is why it's imperative to protect yourself so that you don't get the primary infection this will keep the number of susceptible people to a secondary wave down. This virus poses significant challenges because of the constant flare-ups and the very long incubation. Where people don't even notice that they have this virus. there will be people who don't get symptoms and there will be kids who don't get symptoms but it does not mean that this virus is not reproducing in their body. the long-term effects are unknown but it's very possible that this thing can survive in bone marrow and spinal fluid. a virus likes to reproduce so it might find a way to reinfect the body so that it can reproduce and spread. I guess you could call that a flare up. Scientists aren't worried about the primary wave they're worried about the low mortality rate and high infectiousness of this disease because it's basically telling us that it's going to make waves, and it's only a little bit worse than the Spanish flu, but the numbers aren't good in that respect. The concern is without proper containment we are facing possibly many waves of this pandemic. The stress comes from the knowledge that this is just getting started, and that America and other countries are not implementing the proper procedures to immediately stop the spread of this virus. if we shut the country down a couple of weeks ago we would have been able to hold up for two or three weeks, all of the infected would pop up, and we would have this under control and at this point would have already been going about our daily lives without seeing any signs of this pandemic in our country. the issue is now that it's so widespread it's very hard to screen people coming from overseas so theoretically we can't protect ourselves now from reinfection. Some people don't show symptoms they don't have a fever, they're likely walking around and contaminating everybody right now. The wait is virus spreads and with the exponential multiplication of the r0, what happens is you get large groups of the population coming down with symptoms all at the same time and this becomes overburdening on the medical industry. this reduces the amount of specialized Care people will get and that will increase the mortality. Realistically this thing is not contained and it is spreading like fire, vaccination is very difficult because of the multiple mutations, You can get multiple versions of the virus at the same time, and cross infection is also a severe risk in hospitals. What this virus does socially is it infects law enforcement , medical personnel , and industry workers so severely that they cannot perform their duties, the risk of spreading it to colleagues is very very high. Under these conditions . you go from a handful of infected to thousands of infected and all of your first responderbeing out of commission, what we should be looking at is the mortality of secondary infections and cross infections of multiple strains if the mortality rate of 1 strain is 3%, what's the mortality rate of two strains, or three strains or 4 strains?! We are uncertain because China successfully locked down its country and now we're seeing Iran and Italy going through this problem. Iran not taking it seriously has significantly damaged their Country, We will likely see what Italy is going through or we might experience worse, the fact that many people don't take this seriously is of the greatest cause of concern because they are the ones who will spread this everywhere it doesn't matter how good your precautions are if someone doesn't give a damn that is significantly lowering your chances of survivability . there is no data to show us what's going to happen down the road, the virus has a 100% infection rate , even though you don't show symptoms the virus is still doing its thing in your body . the severity of infection depends on what strain you get and how it gets into your system, Just to recap on the mutation point, if someone has a mild strain and they cough on you you will likely get the mild strain, However if there is somebody with poor hygiene who unknowingly is carrying a mutation or has caused the mutation, the chances are higher. if you introduce this virus to your system through your eyes you will likely get a nervous system infection that will be far more dangerous. we really don't know if it leaves people systems we really don't know much about what's down the road, But my best advice is to simply not get the virus during the first or second wave, media outlets say that people are treating the virus like a death sentence even though the mortality rate is very low. the problem isn't right now the problem is down the line so people who are treating it like a death sentence aren't worried about this infection they're worried about potentially getting this infection and then becoming super susceptible to the secondary infection, if you catch it now and your symptoms are severe and you still recover, you have to guarantee that you will never catch it again, honestly the odds of that are low and uncertain. it's how the media is portraying the information that is causing concern to the people who are knowledgeable on this topic it is very much like a question that was asked in India, they did a survey and they asked people if they thought the virus came from a bat or if it came from a lab, the answer isn't a or b the answer is both and proof that humans have been experimenting on these viruses is actually found in the plot of the movie contagion, proof that we as humans knew these bats had such viruses is evident in the plot of that story humans have been extracting and modifying these viruses for as long as the technology has been available. although Trump isn't talking about it, I have information that he is aware of the severity of the situation and that the government is treating it like a bio weapon and they have initiated all of the bio-defense protocols at their disposal. What predictions they've run or what they really know I can only speculate. But my advice to you is just don't catch it, alert others to the severity of the situation so that they stop spreading it. If the virus hits 1% infection rate in any population the long-term results will be catastrophic. you should also take your kids out of school because they are a severe vector of transmission , one sick parent can infect his kid and his kid can give it to an entire School and nobody will know for 2 weeks that that happened. By the time the school reports symptoms it's already too late. you will hear a lot of people saying proactivity instead of reactivity that is because that is the only way to handle something like this. like a mathematical equation there is one right answer and an infinite amount of wrong answers. Going on a cruise ship after you've heard about what happened is a wrong answer, going to a public event and assuming that this isn't going to infect you is the wrong answer. this requires a collective effort and unless we are willing to let the government lock us all down and dictate the situation it should be up to us to take the steps necessary to prevent this from infecting our population. senior citizens cannot protect themselves from this, other people have to take the precautions to protect them. instead of just practicing washing your hands we need to start practicing responsibility. The sooner we do this the sooner we nip this thing in the butt. Hope that this help some people, if you have any questions feel free to ask I am weeks ahead of this. Information can save lives. by the way the virus is killed by many soaps and regular laundry detergent because the capsid of the virus is made out of fat which is broken down by things like simple soap.