Locating United States Minutemen on Social Media sites - Home

Make America Defiant Again

Central depository for American Patriots Coalition - United States Minutemen Structures.

June 7, 2020 revised June 29, 2021 @ 11:52 PM EST

New social media site and we have a presence on it already... https://twellit.com/groups/USMM.APC

( August 5, 2022 MeWe COMPROMISED ! ... nothing is as it appears ! CYA, Patriots !!! )

( DEAD LINKS ) MeWe.com   https://mewe.com/i/robertgamble4

( DEAD LINKS ) Site Link list - text version

India's WION ( https://www.wionews.com/ )... they hate communist China with a passion... and you will often see things about our country on there before you will even hear about it in the US fakenews<G>

( DEAD LINKS ) United States Minutemen -https://mewe.com/join/unitedstatesminutemen

( DEAD LINKS ) Locating State Minutemen groups on MeWe.com - locating_states_minutemen_groups.html  

( DEAD LINKS ) NEW !    USMM FB Upcoming Litigation Series - https://mewe.com/join/usmmfbupcominglitigationseries

( DEAD LINKS ) USMM Homeland Admins -  https://mewe.com/join/usmmhomelandadmins

( DEAD LINKS ) USMM Petition and Distributions - https://mewe.com/join/usmmpetitionanddistributions

( DEAD LINKS ) Minutemen Information Technologies - https://mewe.com/join/minutemeninformationtechnologies

( DEAD LINKS ) USMM Technology and Science  - https://mewe.com/join/usmmtechnologyandscience

( DEAD LINKS ) USMM PureBloods - https://mewe.com/join/usmmpurebloods

( DEAD LINKS ) Do Not Buy Reolink cameras - Home Security cameras - https://mewe.com/join/reolinkcameras-homesecuritycameras

( DEAD LINKS ) Minutemen Reloading and Arms Information - https://mewe.com/group/5f3f38cd61af8864ac79d5e8    https://mewe.com/join/minutemenreloadingandarmsinformation

( DEAD LINKS ) USMM - Pony Express - Truck Drivers -      https://mewe.com/join/usmm-ponyexpress-truckdrivers

( DEAD LINKS ) Florida Minutemen - current home on MeWe - https://mewe.com/group/5fd2cb230d882d2b799df658

( DEAD LINKS ) Brevard Florida US Minutemen - https://mewe.com/group/5f51948da4da0b51c9c73114    https://mewe.com/join/brevardfloridausminutemen

( DEAD LINKS ) Space Coast area. A replacement because of Facebook theft / accounts disabled.
This is a place for the members to meet other like minded people in their areas. We also try to place important information in our file areas and post news and weather that may have an influence in the area.
Members need to also join the Florida and United States Minutemen groups.https://mewe.com/join/brevardfloridausminutemen

( DEAD LINKS ) Muskingum Ohio US Minutemen - https://mewe.com/group/5f52ebe2699f5d192d095747   

( DEAD LINKS ) https://mewe.com/join/muskingumohiousminutemen


( DEAD LINKS ) Florida West/East Central Emergency Network -  https://mewe.com/group/5efc080182a3136867ea9f93    https://mewe.com/join/floridaswesteastcentralemergencynetwork

( DEAD LINKS ) UN Removal Project - https://mewe.com/group/5eefa42fa07c9a6c7da57403    https://mewe.com/join/unremovalproject1

( DEAD LINKS ) US Minutemen Radio Technology - https://mewe.com/group/5f52c6c5a4da0b51c9cab147   https://mewe.com/join/usminutemenradiotechnology

The place for our members to learn about radio technology... the file system will contain the CHIRP programming for the handhelds compatible with that format.

I would like to see some of our members building packet radio sites and documenting the process of creating the sites.

Radio communication will be needed for many SHTF scenarios... this area will help us all learn to work with different types of radios and their limitations.

( DEAD LINKS ) Ohio Minutemen - https://mewe.com/group/5ee98b3f489546489fd7e02c    https://mewe.com/join/ohiominutemen1

( DEAD LINKS ) United States Minutemen West Virginia - https://mewe.com/group/580db13dfc7c8271d1c34ee2    https://mewe.com/join/wvmm

( DEAD LINKS ) US Minutemen - Survival Natural Plants - https://mewe.com/group/5f415ecc61af8864ac81a579

( DEAD LINKS ) Hunting Down ANTIFA John Brown Gun Club Members - https://mewe.com/group/5f3995362b4b5c5b8b4a2312

( DEAD LINKS ) Troll Black List to help admins verify -  https://mewe.com/join/trollblacklisttohelpadminsverify

( DEAD LINKS ) Defiance1 - another Q-WWG1WGA Patriot site - https://mewe.com/join/defiance1

( DEAD LINKS ) Newton American Legion Post #726 - https://mewe.com/group/5ede9c0897663421edd52833



PRO AMERICA ONLY    https://proamericaonly.org/members/home




New social media site and we have a presence on it already... https://twellit.com/groups/USMM.APC


Now on WG1WGA ... https://wego.social/USMM1

Florida Minutemen - https://wego.social/FLMM1

UN Removal Project - https://wego.social/UNRemovalProject


Now on MAGABook ... https://www.magabook.com/UnitedStatesMinutemen


UN Removal Project - https://www.magabook.com/UNRemovalProject


Now on Spreely.com - https://www.spreely.com/group/United-States-Minutemen

UN Removal Project - https://www.spreely.com/group/UNRemovalProject

Florida Minutemen - https://www.spreely.com/group/FloridaMinutemen

Ohio Minutemen - https://www.spreely.com/group/OhioMinutemen


United States Minutemen - https://www.mumblit.com/UnitedStatesMinutemen


United States Minutemen - https://trumpbookusa.com/groups/UnitedStatesMinutemen




United States Minutemen - https://discord.com/channels/750303516781838418/750303517264314420


United States Minutemen - https://wimkin.com/UnitedStatesMinutemen

 My Militia

 United States Minutemen - American Patriots Coalition - My Militia




United States Minutemen - American Patriots Coalition - https://gab.com/groups/5162
USMM-Science - https://gab.com/groups/67847
Brevard Patriots - https://gab.com/groups/67217


Other great sources of information

 Another great site for information ... http://fantonino-changingworld.blogspot.com/

Brevard Patriots - https://iii.thruhere.net/brevard_patriots/brevard_patriots.html

Brevard Patriots - https://www.facebook.com/Brevard-Patriots-102229102134448
