Admins ... PAY ATTENTION PLEASE. Especially the STATE ADMINS/COORDINATORS. regular members get added to their county, their state and the Minutemen-support groups as a minimum. admins of every county of every state gets placed in the STATE staff group AND the Minutemen-HOMELAND-ADMINS group also. There are reasons for this structure to be set up this way. local county information does not have to be sent state or country wide. state information does not have to be sent country wide. ANYTHING placed in the top level Minutemen-HOMELAND-ADMINS group goes to every admin in every state and county... a broadcast to the country... IF DONE RIGHT. ADMINS know how to contact their local people in many different ways and are the best path to get information in and out to the groups. Support information (manuals, prepping articles, etc) that the entire country should be using needs to be in the Minutemen-support group IN THE FILE AREA. If it is just for that state then in the state support group. If you start putting things in that area..YOU NEED TO PUT ALL STATE MEMBERS IN THERE ALSO FOR ACCESS. Counties can already use their own file area for local information. NOW... the other 'administration' groups. COORDINATORS are the people that are responsible for setting up training for their areas in the states. These will be the team leaders when an emergency does happen. They will know what they need to get their areas ready for emergencies, whatever it may be. Each county will have a minimum of 1 CO (top coordinator) and one XO (Assistant Coordinator), each state group of coordinators will elect their own CO and XO out of the STAFF group of admins. If they break their states in smaller REGIONS for management, the CO and XO of the region will be elected out of their county group of admins. SECURITY groups at the state level are the people responsible for security issues, be it a member or meeting. This is a fairly new group in our structure. ANY type of security problem should be brought to the attention of the local CO and XO, if they need help they can also bring this up to the STAFF level. The security group is plainly a volunteer group of members from the staff group willing to invest the time and resources to be able to do research into the history of the problem. NOTICE... there are many overlapping roles. I am a member first ( in dual states even ), an admin of the counties I am in also, I am in the support group of county members (not a separate county all need support and need to know your support personnel), I am in most of the groups and pages of this structure only because I helped setup this entire structure... I DO NOT NEED TO BE IN THEM ALL WHEN THIS STRUCTURE IS WORKING THE WAY IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE. I was asked to help on this project mainly because of my experience with networks. I am disabled so this is my contribution I VOLUNTEERED FOR. Our STATE CO told me to continue on this mission and I have been working as I can to complete it. All admins are not CO or XO of their structures BUT all CO and XO are also admins. There will be more changes to our developing structures as the needs arise. I can see some of the additional groups needed but these can be implemented by the county structure as needed ( like city groups or regions in larger population areas ). I have also setup a system for bringing many of the different Patriot groups together as representatives (liaisons)... a group called the American Patriots Coalition. Many of our Minutemen members are also members of other Patriot groups ( Oath Keepers, III%, Watchmen, Frontiersmen, etc ) but our HISTORY called the original Patriots defending our freedom... THE MINUTEMEN. There is nothing wrong with being in multiple groups, I have a problem of the sometimes mandatory dues these groups often require of their members for support... that is my main reason for supporting this group of Patriots in our mission to provide emergency support of our local communities consisting of family and friends. Thank you all for helping in our country's survival.