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New day, New page Thursday 03-02-2017  

*** Notice FORMAT CHANGE : New information articles will be at the top and moved down the page as added. I try to update this as I can with a 'real' life. I place the previous day in the previous news lists.


03-02-2017 @ 4:29 PM EST

Judge Napolitano: Recusal is not a mark of shame

Published on Mar 2, 2017

Fox News senior judicial analyst on calls for the attorney general to recuse himself from probe on Trump campaign and Russia


03-02-2017 @ 4:27 PM EST

French-Swiss Company Admits Funding Militants in Syria

French-Swiss construction company LafargeHolcim Group has admitted funding militants in Syria.

The company said it had funded the militants in order to ensure the security of its employees at a plant in north-eastern Syria, according to Le Monde newspaper.


03-02-2017 @ 12:51 PM EST

Woman sneaks camera into “moderate mosque” – the level of hatred being preached against non-Muslims will shock you to the core  


03-02-2017 @ 9:01 AM EST

Is Something Strange Happening Inside The Earth?

So many of these long dormant volcanoes are roaring back to life

Why are “giant fountains of lava” suddenly pouring out of some of the most dangerous volcanoes on the entire planet, and why are so many long dormant volcanoes suddenly roaring back to life? 

The spectacular eruption of Mt. Etna in Italy is making headlines all over the world, but it is far from alone.  According to Volcano Discovery, 35 major volcanoes either are erupting right now or have just recently erupted, and dozens of others are stirring.  So what is causing this upsurge in volcanic activity?  Is something strange happening inside the Earth?

According to the USGS, magma is “molten rock underground”, and lava is molten rock “that breaks through the Earth’s surface”.  Right now, something is pushing magma up through the crust of the Earth at a number of key spots around the planet.  On the island of Sicily, the “giant fountains of lava” that are coming out of Mt. Etna can be seen 30 kilometers away
