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03-20-2017 @ 10:44 PM EST

The Bucegi mountain secrets - Hidden From Humanity. Ancient tunnels reveal our true history

This page contains excerpts of the discovery plus two years of my research finding confirmations throughout history...

In the summer of 2003, in an unexplored area of the Bucegi mountains in Romania, an epochal discovery was found that would completely change the destiny of mankind.

Section "I" contains excerpts from the book. Section "II" onwards is my own research regarding this discovery. I apologise in advance for such a lengthy page but some things cannot be explained in a few sentences.

To prevent this page from being five times longer I have only covered the absolute basics for each section of my own research but anyone who wishes to discuss this further can click here contact me. A brief summary can be found just below the following links…


03-15-2017 @ 1:52 AM EST

The Dropa Stones 12000 Year Old Alien Artifacts DOCUMENTARY - 2017

Published on Feb 5, 2017

Inside a cave found in the Himalayan mountains, a professor of archaeology and students stumbled upon a very large cache of 12000 year old stone discs, left .

UFO DOCUMENTARY 2017 - Dropa Stone Discs with 12000 Year Old Alien Glyphs Alien Documentary 2017 More:

Inside a cave found in the Himalayan mountains, a professor of archaeology and students stumbled upon a very large cache of 12000 year old stone discs, left .

The mysterious Dropa Stones have baffled researchers for years. What do you think? Are they Real? Or a Hoax? **REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MUCH .

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03-04-2017 @ 1:18 PM EST

What we do have is this dolmen,” Sharon said. The gigantic tombs force archaeologists to rework their understanding of that age.

“Hundreds of dolmens are scattered in the Shamir Dolmen Field, yet one dolmen stands out, even among the giants,” the authors of the study wrote. “The largest of the Shamir dolmens and, to our knowledge, one of the largest dolmens ever reported from the Levant, is Dolmen 3.”

The boulder capping the grave is over 13 feet long and nearly as wide, is just shy of four feet thick and weighs over 50 tons, making it “one of the largest stones reported to have been used in the construction of a dolmen in the Levant.” The structure itself is “one of the largest dolmens ever recorded in the Levant,” researchers wrote.

To put it into perspective, the standing stones at Stonehenge, which is slightly older than the Shamir dolmen field, are each around 13 feet high, almost 7 feet wide and weigh 25 tons — half that of the capstone. All the stones of Dolmen 3 together weigh somewhere in the vicinity of 400 tons, the researchers said.


03-04-2017 @ 11:10 PM EST

What Powered the Vimana, the 6,000-year-old Flying Machines of Ancient India?

According to Ancient Indian history –one of the most extensive on the planet– their ancient sacred texts called the ‘Vedas’ speak of incredible flying ships that visited our planet over 6000 years ago. The Ancient Vimana’s power source has turned out to be not only accessible to the entire world, but easy to harness as well. 


03-04-2017 @ 5:52 AM EST

The Megalithic T-Shaped Pillars and Round Towers of Menorca - Talati de Dalt

Published on Mar 4, 2017

Subscribe here: Hugh Newman visits 'Talatí de Dalt' on the Balearic Island of Menorca with Neil McDonald of and a few megalithomaniacs in October 2016. The Talaiotic settlement was built around the 9th century BC but it could be much older. The complex consists of huge T-shaped pillars (Taula) in stone enclosures, that resemble the T-pillars of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey (but those date to over 12,000 years old, so there is no direct connection). Also, the Gobekli pillars are carved from a single stone. These Taula's are made of two stones. The site also has a cyclopean tower called a 'Talaiot' (similar to the Nuraghe Towers of Sardinia), plus caves and stone houses.This is one of about 15 sites on Menorca that have these mysterious T-shaped pillars. Legend states that these were the tables of the giants who used to eat food off them. Includes exclusive aerial footage.

Filmed, Produced, and Directed by Hugh Newman. Copyright Hugh Newman/Megalithomania 2017. All Rights Reserved.


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03-03-2017 @ 10:19 AM EST

heads up

Published on Mar 3, 2017

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03-02-2017 @ 11:39 PM EST


Published on Mar 2, 2017


This will be the weirdest thing you read all day.

In the 1970s and 80s, the CIA and other government agencies experimented with paranormal research and one of their main focus was remote viewing.

Also known as clairvoyant travel, this unexplained ability lets users travel outside their bodies to perceive people and places through psychic means.

One of the least secret programs making use of psychic abilities is the Stargate Project, a collection of weird experiments centered on remote viewing. The only thing stranger than these experiments is the results and answers they gave.

One such experiment is described in a declassified 8 page document made available by the CIA on their Electronic Reading Room.

The document exposes the results of a remote viewing session that took place in 1984. An unnamed subject with above average psychic abilities was taken to a secret location and given a sealed envelope. Over the course of one hour, the subject was interviewed while the envelope remained sealed.

He had no idea what the envelope contained but was asked to travel to the time and place written down on a card inside the envelope. These were the coordinates:


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Copyright Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.



03-02-2017 @ 11:28 PM EST

Ancient "Annunaki" Giants found ALL across USA! | Numbers 13:33 "And we saw the Giants"

Published on Mar 2, 2017

March 2, 2017: Massive burial site in SW Wisconsin! Looks like the Nephilim/"Annunaki Gods" spent some time in North America too. Remains discovered by the thousands. 14ft tall turns up in NE Georgia. 9.2ft in the Catalina Islands plus 3000 MORE!


03-01-2017 @ 5:43 PM EST

The Discovery of Unusual Alien Skulls

Published on Mar 1, 2017

The Event Is Coming Soon - The Discovery of Unusual Alien Skulls

These skulls were photographed by Robert Connolly on his trip around the world during which he was collecting materials about ancient civilizations.

The discovery of unusual skulls was thus an unintended “spinoff” of his efforts. Robert Connolly published his photographs on a CD-ROM, titled “The Search For Ancient Wisdom”, Cambrix, 1-800-992-8781, in 1995.

The data about the skulls is incomplete, and that makes the correct assessment of their age, context with other hominids, as well as placement of their origin extremely difficult. Some of the skulls are very distinct, as if they belong to entirely different species, remotely similar to genus Homo. The first thing that attracts attention is the size and shape of the cranium in all the specimens.

There are 4 different groups represented in the pictures. As a matter of convenience, I labeled them “cone-head”, “jack-o-lantern” or “J” and “M” based on the shape of the skull, except the first and possibly earliest type of skull, which I call “premodern”.

When some of these pictures (the first two) were posted on CompuServe more than year ago, the majority of people assumed that they represented an example of binding of the head, well known to be in fashion in ancient Nubia, Egypt and other cultures.

The problem with this theory is that the inside of the cranium of the mentioned skulls, although elongated and with a back sloping, flattened forehead, have the same capacity as normal human skulls; the only difference is the shape achieved by frontal and side deformations. They are actually more similar to the first type of skull (premodern) with the rounded back, than the cone-head type. The cone-shaped types of skull are not found amongst the usual skull-binding samples.

The first skull presents problems of its own. The frontal part of the skull seems to belong to an individual of the pre-Neanderthal family, but the lower jaw, though more robust than modern human type, has a modern shape and characteristics.

The shape of the cranium does not have any comparison with the Erectus, Neanderthal types, nor the modern human type.

Some minor Neanderthal characteristics are present, as is the occipital ridge on the bottom back of the skull and the flattened bottom of the cranium, other characteristics point more towards Homo erectus. The angle of the cranial bottom is, though, unusual. We cannot exclude the possibility of a deformed individual in this case, but it is highly unlikely that the angle of the frontal part would require a modification of the lower jaw in the process of growing to resemble modern human types with their projected chin rim.

The answer seems to be that the skull belongs to a representative of an unknown pre-modern human or humanoid type.

As is obvious from the comparison with a modern human skull, the cranial capacity lies within the modern human range. This is not surprising, since the late Neanderthals and early modern humans (Cro-Magnon) had larger cranial capacities (both roughly 1600 cm3 to 1750 cm3) than modern humans (av. 1450 cm3).


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Copyright Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.



02-28-2017 @ 12:51 PM EST

PLANET X REVEALED. NASA Disclosure? Never A Straight Answer!!

Published on Feb 27, 2017

Fair Use! Is it any coincidence we have made over two hundred videos referencing Aquarius as the location of Planet x, calling it a brown dwarf? And Now? NASA says, yes... only the distance they said was 40 light years. I'm betting on 40 A.U. and that was over seven years ago. I am betting this is the source of helium and lithium cosmic rays, the reason for particle interaction in the sun's corona turning it big and white, the reason for spectacular Auroras, constant geo magnetic storms. The reason for periodicity in quakes and solar wind patterns. the reason for all the fireballs and comets.... Be ready!


02-27-2017 @ 6:21 PM EST

Ancient Egyptians in Australia: The Mysterious Gosford Glyphs pt.1. Megalithomania Exploration

Published on Aug 19, 2015

Subscribe here: An investigation of the mysterious hieroglyphs near Gosford in New South Wales. Are they really Egyptian? or are they a hoax? The area has strange simulacra and rock formations and it is a high energy site that we visited in January 2014. Part two will be released soon.

Filmed, Produced, and Directed by Hugh Newman. Copyright Hugh Newman/Megalithomania 2014/2015. All Rights Reserved.

CLICK HERE and to join Megalithomania and Andrew Collins in 2015 on tours to Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, Ancient Mexico, and Peru.

Download lectures from Graham Hancock, Andrew Collins & more at the website

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02-26-2017 @ 10:45 AM EST

100% UNDENIABLE VISUAL PROOF POLES SHIFTED @ 2016! Photon Belt? Planet X? Wobble? Believe it or NOT!

Published on Feb 22, 2017

This is it. Undeniable. We're off our rocker. Nobel Prize here we come! Prepare to be amazed.
42 films, and enough controversy to run for President later, this amazes me every time I watch it. Almost two months in production, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did making it.
-Marc* the Arcturian
ps - My second hope, is that this little clip finds it's way to the desk of Neil De Grass Tyson
Official NASA Video:

For copies of "The Secret Lost and Forgotten Book of Ancient Answers to Every Question in the Universe" or "The Book of Enlightenment", send an email to - Either book - $19.97; Free Shipping OR my YouTube special, both for $29.97
They are exactly as promised in the title or.... I will cheerfully refund your misery - and your money. -Marc* the Arcturian
EARTH HAS ALREADY MOVED - Poles Shifted - El Nino' Is Phoney Baloney! Siberian Craters Explained Extremely Controversial Video - 100,000+ Views on my other channel.
You know it's happening,... See how you feel about my postulations.
Marc* the Arcturian; Professor of Heliophysics, Boulder, CO

ps - My next film currently in production will show new evidence that our earth HAS ALREADY SHIFTED - 99.99% Proof. You may if you wish, preview the first half... just know I'm still adding the finale', the clincher:
"The Coast Is Toast!":
"EARTH 2016" Poles Shifted - 99.99% Proof. 6th Extinction. Photon Belt. Permafrost. Nibiru:
Seen by a Quarter Million:

The Most Controversial Pole Shift Film on YouTube - Now seen by over 165,000 :
"EARTH HAS ALREADY MOVED!! - Poles Shifted 10-20* - El Nino' Is Phoney Baloney! Siberian Craters Explained":
Marc* the Arcturian's Original Blockbuster: "2012 A-Z A Galaxial Event of Disneyesque Proportion":

Who IS Marc* the Arcturian?:


02-26-2017 @ 9:33 AM EST

PLANET X NEW CAPTURE 2nd SUN inbound URANUS Orbit Data latest update

Published on Feb 22, 2017

PLANET X NEW CAPTURE 2nd SUN inbound URANUS Orbit Data latest update . New Capture in original spot Roberto does the sums and is convinced this is the Planet 9 X second sun see how its grown and also Uranus update and further confirmation of a 14 degree orbit shift, another MUST WATCH Update. - For serious Planet X Nibiru Earth Researchers . Get FREE Monitoring earth space on our websites. .

"Devastation & revenge"&"Mistake the getaway"&"Nerves"&"The Descent"&"Chase"&"Industrial Cinematic"&"Rynos Theme" by Kevin Macloud

KEEP Informed not baffled.. Subscribe for latest info Planet X Nibiru as it arrives.


02-26-2017 @ 8:49 AM EST

Bus-Sized Asteroid to Fly-by Earth at 1 LD on Feb. 27

Published on Feb 26, 2017

Asteroid 2017 DV36 was just discovered on February 25, 2017 and it will make a very close approach to Earth, passing at a distance
of 1 LD on February 27, 2017.

The newly found asteroid has an estimated diameter between 7 and 16 meters and it belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids.

It will make its closest approach to our planet at 02:58 am UTC
on February 27 and flyby at a speed (relative to the Earth) of 10.78 km/s.

This is the third known near-Earth asteroid to flyby Earth within 1 lunar distance since February 23, 2017, and the the 7th NEA to flyby within 1 LD since January 9, 2017.

Clips, images credit: ESO, ESA/HUBBLE & NASA

Music credit: YouTube Audio Library
Stale Mate - Jingle Punks


02-26-2017 @ 2:50 AM EST

PLANET X NIBIRU The REAL TRUTH FULL Data dimensions and Technical Information 2017

Published on Feb 7, 2017

PLANET X NIBIRU The REAL TRUTH FULL Data dimensions and Technical Information 2017 For serious Planet X Nibiru Earth Researchers and ONLY Decent people . In this video we show nibiru planet x dimensions orbits and some very great Roberto analysis, one of them MUST WATCH videos.. Get FREE Monitoring on earth and on space on our websites. .

"We Got Trouble"&"Undaunted"&"The Escalation" by Kevin Macloud

KEEP Informed not baffled.. Subscribe for latest info Planet X Nibiru as it arrives.


02-26-2017 @ 12:51 AM EST

Why You Should Assume Something Big Is Happening؟ Commemorative Video

Published on Feb 25, 2017

I have uploaded this excellent video by The Higher Truth Channel as it provides very clear information needed by us all at this time.
Description below by Higher Truth Channel
Fair Use! Hey! 11 million views... most of it non monetized. Just by showing up to work and staying with it. Thank You For sharing your information and thank you for asking relevant questions.
Don't be afraid to ask a question. Comments are moderated to filter out haters, spammers, flat earthers, and just plain crazy people.

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02-26-2017 @ 12:15 AM EST

EARTH POLE SHIFT Tilt Confirmed Graphic Simulator See WHERE YOU ARE NOW

Published on Feb 25, 2017

EARTH POLE SHIFT Tilt Confirmed Graphic Simulator See WHERE YOU ARE NOW - YES as requested by many who ask,what about Germany ,or UK etc, this quick thing based as accurate as possible, by using 3 key readings, will show where you are now at todays present tilt. At least you will know why your hot during day and Cold at night etc..Or vice versa ..
For serious Planet X Nibiru Earth Researchers . Get FREE Monitoring of earth and space on our websites.And loads of info. .

"Chase" by Kevin Macloud

KEEP Informed not baffled.. Subscribe for latest info Planet X Nibiru as it arrives.


02-25-2017 @ 3:36 PM EST

Anunnaki,Forbidden Knowledge,UFO history, Illuminati, Assasins,Truth,Atlantis,Eden

Published on Feb 25, 2017

I share an awesome must see show for anyone who has followed this channel. Visually pleasing.

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02-25-2017 @ 3:30 PM EST

Pyramids An ancient global symbol, blueprint of the Gods

Published on Feb 25, 2017

The Event Is Coming Soon - Pyramids An ancient global symbol, blueprint of the Gods

by Ivan

While we are familiar with Pyramids in Egypt and Mexico, the truth is that these structures are not confined to these two countries. There are more than 1000 pyramids in central America alone. There are 300 Pyramids in China and over 200 Pyramids in Sudan. Egypt boasts around 120 Pyramids.

How could ancient people have dragged railway car-sized blocks of stone and stack them together to form amazing constructions? Why is it that we have found thousands of Pyramids scattered across the globe, and more importantly, why are so many Pyramids eerily similar?

These structures are a global phenomenon that has puzzled archeologists and researchers for centuries.

One of the best examples of incredible ancient engineering and architecture is without a doubt the Great Pyramids of Giza.

Believed to be the oldest and largest of Egypt’s three great pyramids, the Great Pyramid of Giza is a miracle of engineering which is believed to have been constructed in a twenty year period according to scholars. However, while they maintain that it took the ancient Egyptians around two decades to complete the structure, researchers have yet to figure out HOW it was done.

There are Pyramids everywhere. Some of them are eerily similar. Image by Richard Cassaro.

For the ancient Egyptians to complete the Great Pyramid in around twenty years, the builders had to cut, transport and put into place, one stone every nine seconds to achieve the construction of this great project in the given time. So, how did they do it? Some of the limestone blocks used in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza were transported from quarries located up to 500 kilometers from the construction site.

Some of the many pyramids found across the planet. Image by Simon E. Davies.

There are modern engineers who have literally said: “We couldn’t do this in twenty-two years”. However, the ancient apparently were able to do it.

There are COUNTLESS theories on how the Great Pyramid of Giza was built, so many theories that you just cannot neglect nor accept any of them.

These theories include ET visitations, levitating the blocks with a sound system and anti-gravity, thousands of workers pulling long ropes and a ramp that has to be almost two miles long to get it up to where it is. So how and by “who” was this marvel of engineering constructed? Did the builders of the Pyramid have in their possession some sort of advanced ‘lost’ ancient technology which we are unaware of? Or, was it raw MANPOWER?


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Copyright Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


02-25-2017 @ 3:22 PM EST

POLE SHIFT NEWS EARTH TILT Secret knowledge leaked from NASA

Published on Feb 25, 2017

POLE SHIFT NEWS EARTH TILT Secret knowledge leaked from NASA. POLE SHIFT - EARTH TILT & MEGA WOBBLE - WARNING FOR SERIOUS RESEARCHERS ONLY The debate as to Earths Tilt is at last finally Solved with thanks to NASA.Thank you NASA .. Not by any statement did they tell us, but by what could be a cock up ! YES here is proof from the top pics from space, show the extent of the earth moving. A Must watch again. For serious Planet X Nibiru Earth Researchers . Get FREE Monitoring earth space on our websites. .

"Blue Sizzle" & "Nonstop" by Kevin Macloud

KEEP Informed not baffled.. Subscribe for latest info Planet X Nibiru as it arrives.
